Welcome to our online store!
Simba USA INC is an online store that sells throughout all Canada. We will provide the product purchased directly to your home!
We produce from the best international suppliers, paying attention to their design, functionality, robustness, ease of installation and use. The final price, which is expressed in Canadian $, is not charged by brokerage costs, because we sell directly to you without intermediaries.
Our goal is to provide our customers with products that satisfy their well-being, that beautify their home and allow them to relax and feel good.
For that reason, we have two main lines of products: one dedicated to bathroom furnishing, so whirlpool bathtubs and freestanding tubs, and one dedicated to leasure time, so pool tables and other indoor games.
We take care about delivery, so we select the best courriers in terms of quality of shipping and delivery time. Moreover we offer free shipping for every item!
Finally, but no less important, indeed crucial, we have implemented a very simple and intuitive system of buying and adopt all necessary measures to make sure and guaranteed payments.
So start surfing on our shop, find the product you desire and if you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us on the direct chat or e-mail!
SimbashoppingUSA, the online store you were looking for!
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